
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Victorica de Broix

YAY! it's finished! 8D

I've made two different versions of this drawing, one with a frame and other without it. I've already submited the one with frame on DA, but I don't know if I should change the file since the background gave me a lot of headaches xD.

Speed Paint Video:

Total time: 6-7 hours

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Victorica de Broix [WIP]


LOL there's been a long time since I posted here the last time! xD, I've been quite busy those past weeks helping to make some posters of "Lazarillo de Tormes" for the book fair of the school I'm helping <_<, but I've finally had some time to draw something that I had in my head for a long time 8D. Here I leave the sketch!

She's Victorica de Broix from the anime "Gosick". It may look like her head is big, but that's because she has a tiny body and big head.

I hope I can finish this drawing soon, because on the next thursday I'll be in the hospital for one week <_<.

Time: 1-2h